Panicking over not having a job for September? Stressed out, frazzled already and in need of a helping hand? Well, here are a few ways RealiseMe can help you. Sit back, have a read of this and breathe a big sign of relief, we’ve got your back!
1. Work out what you want
Firstly, it’s worth taking some time to figure out exactly what you want from a job and a career in teaching.
Sit down in a quiet spot and have a real think about what area you want to work in, what kind of teacher you want to be, what age group you want to educate and what would make your perfect job.
Jot down some notes and spend those few minutes really honing in on what you’re looking for, it will save you a lot of time and hassle in the long run.
Taking that extra time to work out what kind of teaching role you really want will help you feel more together, less stressed and more focused on securing that ideal job. It will also ensure that when you’re choosing the jobs to send your CV and details to, that they are all ones you would be interested in rather than just haphazardly applying to every teaching job going, even though you know you wouldn’t thrive or enjoy yourself there.
Planning makes all the difference and will seriously get you in the right mindset to start your job searching.
2. Sign up to RealiseMe
We’re all about education here at RealiseMe, we want the best for teachers and schools and we want all you tip top teachers to enjoy your summers without worrying about September jobs or placements.
So, you’ve done the planning, you’ve decided you want to work in, say, maths, somewhere in Essex and teach primary school age, now this is where we whisk right in to help you.
When you sign up at, you are presented with all of our very best jobs, we have loads of positions all round the country for you to take a gander through.
We take pride in expertly matching the right schools to the right teacher so you’ll get your perfect fit. Answer a few questions about yourself (optional, but it will really help the preciseness of the matches) upload your documents and off you go, well on the way to securing your next job.
Job searching can make even the most positive of us feel like we’re getting absolutely nowhere, it’s disheartening and not what any of us want to be spending our precious free time doing. So, let RealiseMe do all the leg work! You wont regret it!
3. Always here to help
You know when you sign up for a job board and then its all down to you, you get virtually no help and you just feel at a loss. You get sent or recommended jobs that aren’t even remotely like the ones you’re looking for and before you know it, you’re applying for every single non-related job on the list, drowning in copies of your CV, various applications and endless cups of motivation tea. Yet you’re still in an endless rut.
Well, RealiseMe is at the other end of the spectrum, we’re always more than happy to help out, so when you sign up and are struggling with finding your way around the job board, need some help uploading your documents or just want some assistance with how to set up your profile and start applying for jobs, we’re here. email, DM, tweet or message us on our forum, we’re more than happy to help you out. Plus we’re a jobs board that is dedicated solely to teaching jobs so you wont get any completely random suggestions.
4. Get the most out of your RealiseMe account
Another way we can help is through our online community. Ever wanted a space where you could search for the answers to teaching questions, chat with likeminded individuals, share lesson plans, class tips and design ideas? Our new youtube channel, forum, blog and website provides just that, so even if you’ve secured a job for the next academic year you can still enjoy the exciting new extras we have on offer for free.
It’s just getting the most out of your account, we regularly update our youtube channel with things we thing will benefit or interest you teachers, we write blogs aimed at answering and helping you find the solutions to your teaching issues and we’ve built a social media community that is both a positive and engaging one. So, what are you waiting for, join in!
We’ve built a community here where teachers from all over the world can share tips, tricks and techniques with each other, so to get the most out of your account, take a look around our blog, forum and get involved in the RealiseMe community. Learn something new whilst securing that dream job of yours!