Friday, May 17, 2024

The qualities of a tip-top teacher

Teachers, what would we do without them? Often we don’t understand the vitalness of these exceptional human beings until we are adults...

Wild, Wild West – the development of Multi Academy Trusts

I’m the CEO of a small MAT, currently two small secondary schools that were previously part of a hard Federation. My job...

How to survive the stress of exam season

As exam season looms in the not so distant future and our fun filled bank holiday break is now fading to...

Debunking those teaching myths

You know when you were at school yourself and you thought of teachers of having the sole purpose to ruin your weekends...

Why promoting kindness in the classroom is a must

Kind words make the world go round. In fact, it has been proven that an environment where safety, kindness and understanding is...

How to keep class attention at an all time high in the lead up...

Summer-time; hot weather, bubbling excitement for the end of term and holding classes outside. Sounds perfect. A sun...

Four teacher tips for balancing your summer holidays the right way

It's that time of year, teachers everywhere can breathe a massive sigh of relief and enjoy a hard...

How RealiseMe can help YOU stop stressing about securing that September job…

Panicking over not having a job for September? Stressed out, frazzled already and in need of a helping hand? Well, here are...

Banish those back to school blues!

Remember those days back when you were at school yourself, you would feel that familiar jolt of nerves as your brain registered...

‘Transitions in the Age of Automation’ An interesting read…

Have a read of this interesting piece written by Anu Madgavkar, James Manyika, Mekala Krishnan, Kweilin Ellingrud, Lareina Yee, Jonathan Woetzel, Michael Chui, Vivian Hunt and Sruti Balakrishnan.